Caricature Event Booking Calendar

Please review the event caricature calendar for availability.

Only submit the form if your event date is available and you are ready to hire the best caricature artist in Hampton Roads!
If you are interested in a quote for your upcoming event, please click the event quote form and submit it.

Traditional Caricatures

Traditional drawings are done with markers on 9″ x 12″ or 11”x 14” paper. There is no cost difference between black and white or full color, but because color takes a little longer, you get fewer drawings per hour. This option is $157/hr per artist.

Black and White Caricatures

When drawing in black and white, the artists average 12-14 faces per hour. I recommend no more than 4 faces per drawing, but each artist determines their maximum limit. Examples of this style are provided here. There is a cost difference between black and white or full color, but because color takes a little longer, you get fewer drawings per hour.

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